King Power in partnership with Koh-Kae and Hatakabb hosted “King Power The Blessing Comes Home” to celebrate Chinese spring festival in festive mood with the creation of the Golden Mouse Village surrounded with majestic Chinese architecture at King Power Rangnam. Apart from rounding up over 30 legendary Chinese restaurants, we also spread Chinese New Year greetings through an adorable illustration of the Lucky the Golden Mouse Family crafted by Yoon - Phannapast Taychamaythakool who is currently enjoying a worldwide reputation.At the event, we also invited top astrologers; Master Han Majong and Master Lek Guzheng, and Chinese experts to coach interested visitors to make auspicious crafts and shared the knowledge on how to properly pay homage to Chinese deities as part the New Year rituals. Sacred shrines of deities were set up so that visitors could worship the deities at King Power to welcome luck and fortune and enjoyed prosperity. Special…
Editor3 February 2020