
King Power Announcement Precautionary Measure for Coronavirus

By 27 January 2020 No Comments

King Power is aware and concerned about novel corovavirus and transmission of other viral respiratory infections and has proceeded in accordance with the government policies in taking strict precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus and build trust with clients, trade partners and travellerse. We emphasise on providing services with utmost safety by taking the following steps.

1. Clearing Common Areas: Disinfect every single service area and every customer touchpoint at locations in both downtown and the airports.

2. Monitor the Health of Customers and Staff Members: Every staff members must wear an N95 facemask. Set up hand cleansing gel dispensers for customers. Thoroughly cleaning of the common areas should be followed with a disinfection to prevent the infectious virus.

3. Publicise the approach to prevent the spread of coronavirus among staff members and create awareness of preventive measures among the customers as well.

It is of highest priority that all staff members realise the importance of taking strict precautionary measures and closely monitoring the updated information from Public Health Ministry. The emphasis lies on the readiness to step up the preventive measure to further block the infectious coronavirus.