The Much-Needed Help Has Reached Even the Remote Area to Alleviate Hardships King Power Thai Power has reached out to promote the morale of Thai fellows during this uncertain times. 300 sets of King Power Thai Power Survival Kits were dispatched to alleviate the scarce of basic necessities needed in daily lives of the people in a secluded island of the Andaman Sea - Ko Yao District – where it is also affected by the lockdown. The Third Naval Area Command took over from there loading the kits onto their ship and headed to Ko Yao in Phang Nga Province to pass them on to the people in Ko Yao. The joint efforts was made to boost the spirits This mission would not have been possible without the collaboration of the government sector, private sector and the public general. The process started with the Royal Thai Air Force’s Wing 6…
Editor27 April 2020