Ramp Up Your Shopping Power While Travelling with King Power Membership
1 January 2023 – 28 February 2023
Instant THB1,000 saving for NAVY!
On THB8,000 shopping or more/receipt
Coupon is valid on the date of membership signup
To enjoy NAVY perks
Just top up THB1,000 and get 5% discount on every shopping
Instant 15% discount for SCARLET!
On 1 piece of participating merchandise
Coupon is valid on the date of membership signup
To enjoy SCARLET perks
Just top up THB20,000 and get 10% discount on every shopping
Sign up for membership in store at King Power Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang, Chiang Mai, Hat Yai and Phuket or online via @KINGPOWER on LINE app
Discount offers and a host of privileges await King Power members
Flip to see details of Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions on the use of money balance on membership account (E-Purse) for in-store purchase
- Fully redeemable in store at all /king Power stores (invalid for online purchase)
- Valid for use in conjunction with King Power member discount
- Valid for use in conjunction with e-coupon and e-gift card rewarded for new NAVY members
- Valid for use in conjunction with Birthday Celebration privileges
- Invalid for use in conjunction with e-gift card, cash card, gift card, gift voucher, cash voucher and any other discount coupon
- Invalid for use in conjunction with any other promotion offer
- Terms and conditions are governed by the Company and are subject to changes without prior notice
Terms and conditions on the use of THB1,000 coupon for new NAVY members
- Valid for the purchase of merchandise worth THB8,000 or more/receipt
- Valid for the purchase of participating merchandise and brands only
- Valid for use at King Power Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang, Chiang Mai, Hat Yai and Phuket Airports
- Valid only on the signup date
- Limited to 1 coupon/member throughout the campaign
- Invalid for use in conjunction with King Power member discount and any other discount offer
- Invalid for use in conjunction with Birthday Celebration, E-Cash, Cash Card, Gift Card, Gift Voucher, Cash Voucher, and any other discount offer with an exception on the money transferred to membership account as a reward for new members
- Invalid for the purchase of liquor and tobacco
- Non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash or change
- Non-transferable for others to use
- Terms and conditions are governed by the Company and are subject to changes without prior notice.
Terms and conditions on the use of 15% discount coupon for new SCARLET members
- Reserved for new SCARLET members
- Valid for purchasing 1 piece of participating merchandise
- Valid for use at King Power Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang, Chiang Mai, Hat Yai and Phuket Airports
- Coupon is valid only on the signup date
- Limited to 1 coupon/member throughout the campaign
- Invalid for use in conjunction with King Power member discount and any other discount offer
- Invalid for use in conjunction with Birthday Celebration, E-Cash, Cash Card, Gift Card, Gift Voucher, Cash Voucher, and any other discount offer with an exception on the money transferred to membership account as a reward for new members
- Invalid for the purchase of liquor and tobacco
- Coupon is non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash or change
- Coupon is non-transferable for others to use
- Terms and conditions are governed by the Company and are subject to changes without prior notice.