- Get THB60 discount on delivery worth with any order of Premium Craft Pizza worth THB1,000 or more through @PCPIZZA on LINE app.
- Free dish! Spaghetti Bacon Garlic worth THB120 with a dine-in order worth THB1,000 or more.
- Redeem 170 CARATs for THB200 discount on a dine-in order worth THB600 or more.
Terms and conditions of discount privileges
1.Please verify King Power membership with Premium Craft Pizza via @kingpower or member.kingpower.com.
2.Valid period for redemption is during 1 April 2023 – 31 December 2023.
3.King Power NAVY, SCARLET, ONYX, CROWN & VEGA members are entitled to unlimited discount privileges throughout the programme at all 9 locations of Premium Craft Pizza. For further information: 02-1054555
4.In case of failure to make use of the obtained promo code, the Company reserves the right not to make any sort of compensation in all cases.
5.Promo code is non-redeemable and non-exchangeable for cash or change.
6.For further information, please call King Power Contact Centre at 1631.
7.Terms and conditions are governed by the Company and King Power and are subject to changes without prior notice.